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The territorial breadth, the large borders and the noticeable growth of the urban density index observed in the big cities in Brazil, as well as its economic position in the global scenario, put the Defense and Security in the country in a relevant position and its management. , a strategic matter.


The priorities are the strengthening of the national industry, the development and application of specialized and autonomous workforce in the intelligence sector, the intensive use of communication, security and satellite technologies, critical infrastructure and the challenge of mobility.


EDT as an exempt organization positions itself as a partner of the state, either by sharing its knowledge of the technology base for the development of national communication technology and the strengthening of the defense industry or by applying its expertise in identifying agile and flexible services, systems and solutions. for Defense and Public Security applications.


In this context, EDT can act indirectly to meet the needs of the Armed Forces (Navy, Army and Aeronautics) and Public Security Offices, or as a link between universities and the Defense Industry, enabling product technologies that minimize dependence. from foreign suppliers or paving the way for local strategic partnerships that ensure the lifecycle of ongoing solutions.

In the civil segment, EDT offers counterintelligence advice and sensitive business development.

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