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EDT is a strategic consulting firm based on the expertise of its Defense and Security business and technology consultants and adopting best practices for global companies, delivering digital transformation including robotic process automation, application deployment across corporate cloud, market insertion and development of strategic partnerships.

Services include business transformation, corporate analytics, working capital management and global business services.

EDT also provides dedicated expertise in business strategy, operations, finance, human capital management, strategic outsourcing, procurement and information technology, including BPMS, RAP, ERP and Artificial Intelligence employment.

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Antonio Luiz da Costa Burgos

General of the Brazilian Army (Ret.)

Living in São Paulo, SP, Brazil,

Specialized in Armoured Vehicles.


  • EDT – Strategic Business Advisor


  • Doctor in Political Science and Strategy by the Staff College of the Brazilian Army.


  • Chief of the Brazilian Group of UN Peacekeeper Mission in Central America (ONUCA and ONUSAL) (1991-1992).

  • Chief of the Brazilian Army representation in the Brazilian Congress (1996-1999).

  • Chief of the Brazilian Army Commission at Washington, DC, USA, (1999-2001).

  • Military Attaché in USA (Deputy) (1999-2001).


  • Director of the Department of Defense Industries at FIESP - SP (2007-).

  • VP of the Brazilian Association of Defense Industries (ABIMDE) - SP (2019-).

  • VP of the Brazilian Association of explosive industries (ABIMEX) - SP (2017-)

  • Teacher of Strategy Planning in FAAP University (Sao Paulo - SP) (2007-2014).


  • Former Director of BAE Systems in Brazil (2007-2012).

  • Former Director of Synergy Defense and Security (Avianca Group) (2012-2014).

  • Director of RUAG AMMOTEC Brazil (2015-)



- Cel phone – 55 11 97626 0822

- Email –

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Neil de Castro Roswell

Brazilian, married,






  • EPUSP - Polytechnic School, USP (Department of Naval Engineering)

Graduated in Naval Engineering - Machinery, 1972



  • EPUSP - Polytechnic School, USP (Department of Production Engineering)

   Master in Production Engineering - Quality and Productivity (no thesis), 1995

  • FGV - Getúlio Vargas Foundation - Business Administration - Foreign Trade for Executives, 1980

  • FCECAUM - Faculty of Economic, Accounting and Administrative Sciences, U. Mackenzie

   Business Administration, 1979

  • FEFTESM - Faculty of Engineering - Souza Marques Technical-Educational Foundation

   Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering, 1975

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Auro Leomil de Azeredo

Brazilian, married,

(+55 11) 9965-6391



  • EDT - CEO

  • ABIMDE - Brazilian Association of Defense Companies (pro-bonus)

  • CONDEFENSA - FIESP Defense Commission (pro-bonus)



  • Business Administrator, graduated in 1981 from FAAP - Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation.

  • MBA in International Business at Fundação Dom Cabral - 2006


  • CGERD - Defense War Management School of ESG - 2012

  • Introduction to semiconductor engineering and production processes (Fraunhofer Institute - Dresden Germany) - 2005

  • Electronic Training Training - (AICC - Florida - USA) - 1999

  • Strategic Security Systems Management (ISS - Atlanta - USA) - 1995

  • Process Automation in CPD (Beta Systems - Berlin - Germany) - 1994

  • Office Automation (Verimation - Gotemburg - Sweden) - 1992

  • EDI - Electronic Data Exchange - Technologies and Applications (Volkswagen AG - Germany) - 1989

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